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220 – Beating The Chipping Yips! – Dr. Gordon Morrison Interview

5:24 pm, Fri, 14 February 25
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BEATING The Chipping Yips!

Dr. Gordon Morrison Interview

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Beating The Chipping Yips! - Dr. Gordon Morrison Interview

Welcome to Episode 220 of THE Golf Improvement Podcast!  Dedicated to sharing useful information on professional club fitting, putting and short game improvement, and effective practice techniques.  CHANGING GOLFER'S LIVES - ONE GOLFER AT A TIME!

Show Notes:

Interview with Dr. Gordon Morrison - Gordon is an Irish PGA Professional and head coach at the Vestford Golf Club in Norway.  AND Gordon recently completed a Ph.D in Psychology / Motor Control with a focus on Investigating the Chipping Yips!

  • The title Gordon's Ph.D thesis is "The Golfing Yips: Developing understanding and demonstrating effectiveness of a coaching intervention for a distressing and disabling fine motor control skill dysfunction."
  • Gordon shares why he focused on the chipping yips for his dissertation.
  • The first two phases of his research included an extensive literature review, and conducting some interview with golfers related to the chipping yips.  He discusses some of the interesting findings from this effort.
  • Gordon next did  some 3-D investigations of the movement characteristics of golfers who have the chipping yips.  
  • Based on all of his findings, he then created some "interventions" that he was able to successfully used to help golfers be able to chip with more confidence!  He finally discusses some of his thoughts on how to do some continued investigations related to the chipping (and other types of) yips!
  • THANKS GORDON For Sharing Your Amazing Findings!
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Gordon will happily share some of his findings directly with any interested in more details.

His email address is gordon@vgk.no, and his Twitter / X handle is @golfgordon.

Shout Out!!

VERTEX GOLF I have been using the Vertex Golf Putting Motion Sensor for about 6 months now.  It is an amazing putting measurement tool available for a very resonable price.  I have used it personally at home, on my home putting mat, and with the Roane State golf team members.  Definitely an up and coming putting improvement tool!

My ZOOM PODTRAK P4!  I have mentioned this in the past - but it is SO easy to use, and the quality of the audio recording using it is first class.  

THE Golf Improvement Podcast YouTube Channel!

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