A Double Wammy Book Week!
A Double Wammy Book Week!
(It's Going To Be Fun!!)

For about a month, I have been waiting for two new amazing books to hit the "Amazon" streets. Well, they both became available this week, and here are links to them...
- Kicking Anxiety's Ass - by Dr. Bhrett McCabe
- Hidden Potential - The Science Of Achieving Greater Things - by Adam Grant
For me - book reading and learning heaven! And now that I have an Amazon Kindle I plan to create extensive notes from each one, and in the near future share some details of what I learned with all of you.
LATE BREAKING NEWS!! My golf coach friend Bob Simms suggested I set up a Podcast YouTube Channel as a way to monitize the podcasts I have created, and will create in the future. This YouTube Channel is LIVE! Click the link below, open a video, and SUBSCRIBE to it - Your Help Appreciated!!
Golf Improvement Podcast YouTube Videos - CLICK And SUBSCRIBE!!
TONY - God Bless Ukraine, God Bless America!