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Good Going Golfers!

6:48 pm, Mon, 5 November 12

Make decisions on getting new golf clubs based on facts!

Good Going Golfers!

by jdnx under CC BY  with WPSEOPix

For golfers there can be pressure from "the outside" – from golf club company marketing efforts, or other golfers in some cases – to make changes to the clubs you are playing.  Marketing always seems to suggest that there is something better on the horizon.


It is exciting, then, to be able to tell two stories of golfers who were thinking about change but did not make it.  And, in my view, made the right decision.  Here are these two great stories:

1.  The first golfer is a good friend who no longer lives in Oak Ridge.  We talked on the phone last week and he asked "do you think I could improve my driver performance if I changed shafts?"  We talked about his present driving performance, and he said that: a) he presently hits his drives about 230 to 240 yards total, and almost ALWAYS in the fairway: b) his driver swing speed is about 90 mph; c) when he was last tested on a launch monitor, his driving Power Transfer Ratio – (PTR, ball speed divided by swing speed) – was measured at about 1.5.

Well – first it was great that he asked!  From a performance optimization standpoint, with a 90 mph swing speed, 230 to 240 yards is great and mostly likely optimum distance for him.  Typical optimum carry with a 90 mph swing speed is about 225 yards.  The fact that his PTR is 1.50 means that he hits the ball on the center of the face – 1.50 is optimum performance.  AND the fact that he always hits it in the fairway means that the present shaft is almost certainly a great fit for him.  Great distance, hitting fairways – absolutely no reason to change!

The other great result of this discussion is that he now has increased confidence that he is playing a driver that fits him well.


2.  The second golfer is a female who I built a driver for a few years ago.  It has higher loft to optimize performance for her swing speed.  In the past she has always said she hits it well.

Recently though, she emailed me and asked if I thought she should look into another driver.  We decided to talk when she returned to town – this week.  But frankly I was a little surprised that she was considering making a change.

A few nights ago, though, I received an email from her noting that she realizes she is playing the best driver for her.  She said a few of her friends were suggesting she change to a lower lofted driver.  However, what finally clicked for her is realizing that she is hitting the ball farther than other folks she is typically playing with, and also hitting more fairways.

It was exciting to see that she finally realized this on her own, based on knowledge of how she is presently playing.  Again – another instance where in the future this should help her confidence.


So – while changing clubs "can" be a good decision – it is best to make this decision based on facts and not simply desire.  Good going you two!!


How about you – have you have ever thought about changing clubs, but realized you were already playing clubs that performed optimally for you?


The Fit Is IT!!
