Is Reflecting A Golf Superpower?
The Value Of Reflecting To PLAY YOUR BEST GOLF!

One of my favorite ways to practice is to get up early in the morning and hit different shots ON THE GOLF COURSE - to help me improve my short game. When I did this a few days ago, I was struck by how being focused on reflecting on my results helped me with my practice results...
- At one of the holes, I hit about eight different 15 to 20 yard pitches from different locations. Some of them were over a bunker. I walked up to the green and saw that all ended up no more than 15 feet from the pin, some of them a lot closer. My initial thought was "well, I won't do that when I play." And then I stopped myself and said "wait - I showed I can hit these shots well when I do not get hung up on results!" My short pitching game improvement is coming along nicely.
- On four different holes, I hit a number of 60 yard pitch shots, usually 4 shots at each hole. At the start, almost all of the shots were short of my targets. My first thoughts were "well I need to hit more of these." And then I stopped and realized I was taking practice swings with very short follow throughs. As soon as I made improved practice follow throughs, my shot distances and results improved.
When I got home from practice, I found a really neat video on my iPhone related to The Power Of Reflection - from Trevor Regan. I guess timing is everything right? This video should convince you of the amazing value of reflecting on your results and learning from them.
It is great to be posting again on my new web site. My post next week will be a repost of the amazing interview I did with Jason Kuhn about the things he is doing with athletes to help them be Free From The Yips!
TONY - God Bless Ukraine, God Bless America!