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Shooting Her Age AGAIN!

7:15 pm, Mon, 20 August 12

Custom Club Fitting Will Help Golfers Of All Ages Play Better!

Jim McCleery – McGolf Custom Clubs in Waverly, Ohio – is one of America's best custom club fitters.  Recently he had a very successful club fitting that was documented by Golf Digest in their year-long effort to show how custom fitting can benefit golfers.  The link to this article is provided below:




It is interesting – and exciting – that the lady who had this successful experience was: a) 85 years old; b) a very successful golfer who often shoots her age or better; and c) someone who had never been custom fit for golf clubs before!  She had been playing with the same golf clubs for about 10 years except for her driver, which was about 5 years old.


Rather than quote a lot of things from the article, I hope you have time to read and digest it (is that a golf digest pun?).  There is no doubt that this lady is now a convert to custom club fitting, as are others in her family.  It will be interesting to see if she starts to play even better – she shot 80 and 81 shortly after putting the new clubs in play.  MAYBE some of her best golf is AHEAD for her!


If you are a recent "convert" to custom club fitting and have a positive experience to share, please do!!


The Fit Is IT!!
