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The AGCP – Educating Professional Club Fitters!

4:02 pm, Mon, 22 October 12

AGCP Club Fitters Learn Fitting Skills To Help Golfers Lower Their Scores!

Each year the Association of Golf Clubfitting Professionals (AGCP) holds an Annual Roundtable to bring the best professional club fitters in the world together to improve their fitting skills.  The most recent Roundtable – the 7th – was held last week.  I have been fortunate to attend the last 5 Roundtables – and each time I come back excited about the things I have learned to help golfers play better golf.

The mission of the AGCP is EDUCATION.  This year's event was no exception.  The major topics covered during the 7th Roundtable included:

    – Putter Fitting

    – How Golf Instruction and Club Fitting Can Work Together

    – An Iron Shaft Sorting System to Optimize Iron Building

    – The Benefits of Shaft FLOing

    – Fitting with Spin, Loft, and Face to Path using the Flightscope

    – Developing a Club Fitting and Club Building Best Practices System

    – Golf Fitness

All great topics – but most golfers might say SO WHAT?  Well, the "So What" is the most important part.  Each and every club fitter who attends the Roundtable – and also those who purchase the DVDs of the presentations – improve their skills each and every year.  Their dedication to doing so is something that golfers should be aware of when they make a decision on where to purchase their golf clubs.  Do you want to buy clubs from someone who is focused mostly on getting your money? – or would you rather purchase clubs from someone who truly has your interests at heart – lower scores and greater golf enjoyment?

Find an AGCP Fitter close to you – you will be pleased with the results!

How About YOU? – have you worked with an AGCP fitter, and if so what were the results?


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The Fit Is IT!!
