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What Are YOUR Putting Tells?

7:47 pm, Mon, 30 July 12

Paying Attention To Our Putting Tendencies Can Help Us Lower Our Scores!


Sometimes the things you do over and over on the golf course can provide – if you watch them – opportunities to improve your game and lower your score.  For me, one of these things was how I used to warm up on the putting green.


My "routine" – prior to early April of this year – had always been to hit some 4 to 6 foot uphill right-to-left breaking putts, until I made a few of them.  Then I would hit a few longer putts and see if could get good speed control, then off to start playing.


Sounds like a little habit that really does not mean anything – or does it?  In March I was fit for an Edel Custom Putter, and found out that I was a Left Aimer – 8 inches left of a simulated golf hole from 6 feet away.  So, what are the tendencies for someone who is a Left Aimer?  Well, a Left Aimer likes Downhill Left To Right Putts – because he/she can miss a little left and hit the ball slower and have it go into the Hole, and UPHILL RIGHT TO LEFT PUTTS – because as a Left Aimer he/she can get the ball in the hole by hitting the putt firm even if he/she aims a little left.


So in my case the fact that I would ONLY warm up with Right to Left Uphill Putts was a Tell about an area for improving my putting!  There are probably others and some of the more obvious ones I can think of are…


    Hitting your putts past the hole too far – which can mean your putter is too light or you have too much loft on your putter; and


    Missing all of your putts either to the left or to the right of the hole – which can mean that your putter aim is not correct at address.


It is worth paying attention to Your Putting Tells!!  Can you comment on any other ones that you have noticed in your game?


The Fit Is IT!!
