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Year-End Golf Club Sales vs Custom Fit Golf Clubs

6:08 pm, Mon, 8 October 12

Custom golf club fitting is less expensive – and better for your game – than buying new clubs every year!

This is the time of the year that many golfers love.  They can buy this year's driver that gives them 15 yards more distance for $50 to $100 off of the list club price.  And they can buy the irons that will give them 10 yards more distance for as much as $100 or $200 off of the original price of the irons.  This is all in anticipation of NEW clubs coming out in a few months – new drivers that again will (?) produce 15 more yards, and irons that will produce more distance than ever before.  And then NEXT fall they can again get that new driver at a bargain price and …….. well the story continues.


Now I fully appreciate that golfers who do this love the game and are looking for that great next club that will help them perform better.  But by buying each new "here is the best" club every year and hoping it will work – Self Fitting Themselves – they are actually paying MORE for their golf clubs than if they went through a True Custom Club Fitting and got superior performance from these clubs.


I have a client who has done this for many years – bought new irons each year thinking these would be the ones. But for most golfers they never are.  Either the shafts and club weights are not right for them, or they hit a club at a Demo Day or did not get a True Custom Fitting and the clubs they received are not the same as they were tested with.  Or they self-fit themselves for putters and they cannot aim them correctly or control speed well with them – so the latest putter goes into the basement location for "old putters."


If you are truly looking for golf clubs that will help you shoot lower scores – custom fit clubs are the Least Expensive and Most Effective way to go.  And that money you used to spend every year on new clubs – plus the money you win from your golfing buddies – put it toward a Golfing Vacation!


How about your experience with custom club fitting that lowered your scores and your golf expenses – let us know!


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The Fit Is IT!!
