Tiger The Putter Fitter!
Tiger The Putter Fitter!

There was an absolutely fascinating post on GolfWRX about 2 weeks ago - where Tiger was "trying out" Rickie Fowler's putter. It was clear that Rickie's putter was not a great fit for Tiger - I think largely becuase it was much heavier to swing that Tiger's putter. If you have not read this post, it is worth reading - and the discussion between Tiger and Ricky was at about 5 to 7 minutes or so into the video...
GolfWRX - Tiger and Rickie - "I Can't Move It!"
Now this is not to say that there is anything wrong with Rickie Fowler's putter - he clearly is making it work for him. However. Tiger's comment on the fact that HE cannot move Rickie's putter should be a good piece of information for YOU if you are looking for a new putter. Being able to move the putter and easily swinging it should be part of your purchase criteria! It should have the correct weighting and balance to allow you to do that.
Just a reminder here - I did a great interview with Bruce Rearick about Putter Weighting - and it is worth listening to...
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TONY - God Bless Ukraine, God Bless America!