Richard Kempton – The PROFESSIONAL Professional Clubfitter!
Richard Kempton
The PROFESSIONAL Professional Clubfitter!

Richard Kempton from the UK - "The Club Doctor" - passed away on September 13, 2023. Many satisfied golfers, and many of my professional clubfitting friends, were blessed by his life and enthusiasm for the value of professional club fitting. Today I want to share just a few things about Richard.
First, AGCP clubfitter Christopher Lynas shared THIS ARTICLE about Richard that captures a lot about his journey to become an amazing club fitter. I think there was no detail about club fitting that was too small for Richard to learn to understand.
My journey into MOI Golf Club Matching started about 12 years ago. When I searched the web about MOI, the name of "Richard Kempton" would often come up. In 2018, I was fortunate to get to do Podcast Episode 105 with Richard - and anyone who wants to listen to a great primer on MOI matching can re-listen to this one. One of my all-time favorites.
Roughly a year or so ago, Richard joined The AGCP, and he shared a lot with all of us during this time.
A couple of personal observations about Richard. He was extremely smart, and always willing to share anything he knew with club fitters. He was also always one to question anything if he did not understand it (he definitely called me to task a number of times....). And he was fully dedicated to the value of professional club fitting.
Richard You Are Very Missed - by golfers and club fitters!
TONY - God Bless Ukraine, God Bless America!