SLEEP Away The Strokes!
SLEEP Away The Strokes!
Can Better Sleep Be YOUR Secret Weapon?
About 2 weeks ago, I started listening to a very interesting new book – Stolen Focus, by Johann Hari. As I listened to a chapter that talked about the importance of sleep to improved focus and attention I wondered – have there been any studies about the value of better sleep to improved golf performance? (As my wife always says, I make everything about golf?).
Well in fact YES there are a lot of studies that suggest the value of improved sleep to improved golf performance! Here are two interesting links that I found, and if you are interested I bet you can find others….
How Sleep Deprivation Will Ruin Your Performance To A Tee
I personally have Sleep Apnea, and have slept with a sleep machine for many years. As a result of this little bit of research, however, I found two little “hacks” that have helped me greatly with improving my sleep. First – no looking at my iPhone for a least 1 hour before going to bed. Second (this one really working!) – sleep in total darkness! My sleep has significantly improved as a result of these two small changes.
So – Give Sleep A Chance!
Tony – STAY SAFE!!