I Love “Chopsticks!”
The “Chopsticks” Putting Drill
Simple And Effective Putting Improvement!
Today’s post was going to be related to custom fitting. But THEN I saw a Golf.com article with David Orr – Flatstick Academy – demonstrating the Chopsticks Putting Drill. You need to see this one today! – and so here is the link…
David showed this drill to me and others at a Flatstick training a few years ago. It is simple, inexpensive – two alignment sticks and two rubber bands – and the most effective drill I use with golfers for many putting issues.
Many golfers “suffer” from a concept and myth called The Accelerating Putting Stroke. Short backstroke, long follow through. Maximum putter speed past impact. It is a major reason a lot of golfers cannot create great Speed Control in their putting. When I have them get the feel of a more COORDINATED putting stroke using the Chopsticks Drill, everyone immediately gets it – and they are on the road to an improved stroke and better speed control. In addition, sometimes issues like pushed and pulled putts immediately improve when golfers create a more connected stroke.
So as David said in the article – super smooth! – give Chopsticks A Try!